BC prepares to welcome new faculty

A Nobel laureate, a new director for African and African Diaspora Studies, 下一学年将新增51个学院,其中包括4个工程学院

电子游戏软件将在2023-2024学年迎来51名新教员, including a Nobel laureate, a new director of the African and African Diaspora Studies program, and four additional faculty in the two-year-old Engineering Department.

 除了51名终身教职或即将获得终身教职的教师和全职教授外,还有另外9名横向聘用的教师,他们以前是客座教授,现在是该实践的教授. Also coming to campus for the next academic year are 22 new, visiting full-time faculty members who are on limited-term contracts.

While smaller than last year’s record 62, this year’s cohort of new full-time, non-visiting faculty represents another significant milestone, according to University administrators: 33 of the 51 are women, the highest such percentage (65) of new hires in BC history. More than a quarter of the new full-time, non-visiting faculty members—27 percent—are AHANA, they noted.

但在评估年度教师招聘过程中,直接的统计分析只能到此为止, 这对于在不列颠哥伦比亚省课堂上实现教学和学术的主要机构目标至关重要. 某一年的招聘数量可能会受到内部考虑的影响——特定学科或领域需要多少教员——以及影响高等教育的短期或长期趋势,这些可能超出了BC的控制范围. 

Billy Soo

Vice Provost Billy Soo

Taking all that into account, said Vice Provost for Faculties Billy Soo, 对未来教员的试金石既直接又多方面.

“Does this person truly understand BC and our mission?” he explained. “Do they appreciate what a Jesuit, Catholic university is all about, and the expectations that come with being a professor here? BC强调本科教育不仅包括智力发展, but also personal and spiritual formation?

“Not all faculty searches are successful. We may lose out to another institution for any number of reasons, including geographical location, or the time-frame for a candidate’s availability just doesn’t work. 但如果没有一个候选人符合我们对教员的要求,我们就不会为了填补空缺而强迫自己去雇佣一个人.”  

Among the new faculty is Nobel Prize-winning economist Paul Romer, the Seidner University Professor at the Carroll School of Management, 谁将加入该校备受推崇的金融系,并将成立新的思想经济学中心.

Professor of History Lorelle Semley, 他在非洲历史上的教学和电子游戏正规平台跨越了多个学科, source materials, 她目前的项目是电子游戏正规平台前法国殖民帝国中黑人公民身份的演变,她将成为不列颠哥伦比亚省非洲和非洲侨民电子游戏正规平台项目的新主任.

随着大学“以人为本的工程”项目的首批专业进入本科阶段的后期, 新来的四位有成就的教员将使该系能够提供高级课程:助理教授艾玛·布雷斯和凯瑟琳·霍尔, Associate Professor of the Practice Amin Mohebbi, and Assistant Professor of the Practice Kristen Conroy.

这些和其他新教员的任命是高级管理人员和现有教员长时间工作的结果. In early spring, 学院院长根据教师退休或离职以及特定专业的发展等因素评估各自学院的教学需求,并与教务长办公室分享这些数据, 它从整体上看,使用学生学分等指标来帮助确定一所学校可以招收多少新教员.

遴选委员会由现任教员组成,这些教员有时在不止一个教员中任职, 根据各自部门的空缺,为每个职位确定并面试三名决赛入围者. Soo指出,学校的院长也会参与面试过程, as does the provost if the candidate is a tenured faculty member.

“当你有高级学术管理人员和教师参与寻找新教师时,这反映了BC大学对其使命的重视程度。,” said Soo. “As a university, 我们努力确保我们的学术目标和策略在每个学校被广泛理解, department, and program. 这些知识对于遴选委员会成员决定教员候选人是否适合BC至关重要.”

Soo强调,在审查新聘用的教员数量时,必须考虑背景, at BC and elsewhere. 一个部门或项目正在进行一个新的方向或开始一个重大倡议可能会在一个学年进行多次或“集群”招聘, then have considerably fewer openings the next two or three years. 在国家层面上,在某一特定领域相对缺乏女性教师可能会影响到有多少候选人可以获得一个职位.

“今年的成功招聘季节是大学教师招聘委员会持续合作的结果,他们努力推进关键部门和学校的优先事项,” said Provost and Dean of Faculties David Quigley.  “我期待着今年夏天晚些时候欢迎我们的新同事来到校园.”

新教师将在8月17日全天的活动中接受正式介绍, which will begin with greetings from University President William P. Leahy, S.J., Haub Vice President for University Mission and Ministry John Butler, S.J., and Quigley. 上午的会议将围绕大学使命和部部门的工作以及第九条和学生健康和保健进行介绍. The afternoon will include an introduction to University Libraries, a student panel, a session on teaching and research grants, 以及劳拉·斯坦伯格关于席勒综合科学与社会电子游戏正规平台所的演讲, the Seidner Executive Director of the institute. A reception with deans and department chairs will close out the day.

他说,首尔大学越来越重视教师的培训, 既反映了当代高等教育实践,又体现了自身的办学宗旨.

“我们发现,由在校大学生组成的小组尤其受欢迎, 因为这是一个机会,可以听到教师可以通过哪些具体方式帮助学生, inside and outside of the classroom.  The message we send to new faculty is, ‘We want you to succeed, not just because we’ve invested a lot in you, 而是因为我们觉得你有很多东西可以给我们的学生和你的同事.’”